Culturlánn Sweeney and Barking Dog Theatre Company presents Teddy in The Spooky Wood & Whittakers Ghost this Wednesday 16th October in Kilkee.

Teddy in The Spooky Wood
Sammy Ragdoll and her best friend Eddy The Teddy are walking through the woods. She warns Eddy to stick to the path. Eddy is easily distracted and has a tendency to wander off. Soon he is lost and letting his imagination run away with him. The show is designed for children under 6 and their families. The only one likely to be scared is Eddy the Teddy.

It uses many elements of theatre, mime, puppetry and songs to join in with. It’s a perfect introduction to live entertainment for children who’ve never been to a show before, and a welcome return for Eddy the Teddy’s young fans.

The Whittaker’s Ghost

This is based on a short story about a supposedly real-life ghost in Montreal in Canada. Don’t worry about the story being scary, the Barking Dog version will be adapted for children 5 – 10 years old and their families.

In the story Anna Ducane and her sisters visit their friend in town where they all stay with her friend’s uncle for the summer. All is fine while the weather is good but as the season ends the goods times fade too.

The old man tells them not to go outside as a storm approaches, they should have listened…Barking Dog’s two talented actors (with the help of a some puppets and children from the audience) present this exciting tale, specially adapted for children.
With original music and audience participation as well as use of puppetry and mime, this is ideal for any book week, projects on the supernatural, Halloween, adventure, Music or Drama.

To book call 065 9060769 or Email:
Tickets: €5 per child. Free for Accompanying Adults.

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