Clare Arts Office are delighted to announce the Capacity building programme for Festival and Events in Co Clare. This workshop has been designed and developed based on Festival and Event organisers feedback. All Festival and events were invited to take part in a survey earlier this year to assess their needs. Based on feedback we are now inviting bookings for this online workshop which will commence on Wednesday April 21st at 2pm online using Zoom Platform. The programme content will cover topics such as How to write a successful grant application; Growing your festival or event, funding your festival or event; planning and running an event and compliance and festival and event structures.

The programme is for established or newly started Festivals and Events organisers on Co. Clare. The training delivery will include facilitated group discussion and peer learning will be facilitated as part of the learning methodology. The number will be limited to 15 festival and events , however 2 people from each Festival or Event may attend to stimulate committee involvement and discussion.

The schedule of modules will be delivered online, fortnightly starting on Wednesday April 21st at 2pm and are  hours in duration. For more information or to book your place please email

Capacity Building Training Development Programme:

Name of Workshop Date Duration Time
1 How to write a successful grant application April 21st 2 hours 2pm to 4pm
2 Growing your Festival or Event May 4th 2 hours 6:30pm to 8:30pm
3 Funding your Festival or Event May 19th 2 hours 6:30pm to 8:30pm
4 Compliance and structuring your Festival and Event June 2nd 2 hour 6:30pm to 8:30pm
5 Planning and running your Festival and Event June 16th 2 hours 6:30pm to 8:30pm



5 past dates