Clare Arts Office in association with Ennis National School is delighted to present this wonderful project which was undertaken by the pupils from the 3rd to 6th classes at Ennis National School.
This delightful exhibition will take place from the 30th of May to the 11th June at the Clare Museum. Each piece will be auctioned on Facebook to raise money for the Ukrainian people. Their hope is that local businesses and companies would support this worthy cause by taking part in their auction and perhaps displaying the art work in their work place. The bidding will commence on Monday the 23rd of May and will conclude on Friday the 10th of June. All monies raised from this event will be donated to Ennis Lion’s Club to help with their worthy and ongoing fundraisers to support the people and children of the Ukraine.
On Friday the 10th of June at 11.00am the pupils at Ennis National School will perform in the courtyard outside Temple Gate to promote this worthy cause. The children at each class level have worked together in producing the finished projects. Students collaborated in choosing their theme and worked together to plan, sketch, draw and paint their murals.
Many of the children at these class levels are involved in the school knitting club. They completed their artwork by creating knitted characters to add to their boards. The children have given up their free time during lunch breaks and before school and have shown great enthusiasm and creativity during this project.
The knitting club relies on donations of wool and needles from the wider community to enable every child from these class levels the opportunity to learn how to knit. This project would not have been possible without the generous donations which have been received from people throughout the county and even further afield.
Ennis National School would like to thank everyone who helped to make this project possible. Thanks to Marie Brew and to the teachers at each class level for their support and finally well done to all the wonderful children who contributed to this project.
A Night in the Town- 3rd Classes
Alice in Wonderland-3rd Classes
Star Wars- 3rd Classes
Stranger Things- 4th Classes
Roald Dahl- 4th Classes
Harry Potter- 4th and 5th Classes
Superheroes- 5th Classes