The success and popularity of the inaugural Lantern Festival in Mountshannon in 2021 has inspired Mountshannon Arts to make it an annual event for Culture Night.

We are delighted to have Nathalie El Baba onboard this year, and she will be visiting local National schools, and teaching the children to make willow lanterns. We will also have a workshop for adults, where we can create some giant illuminated creatures.

Mountshannon is blessed with its beautiful lakeside location, and we will make the lake and our wonderful Aistear Park a central part of the lantern lit walk. This is very much a family friendly event, and we welcome people of all ages and abilities and backgrounds to join us.

There will be music and fun, with some special surprises, after the walk in the Aistear Park, and light refreshments will be served.

Come along, and bring your own lanterns.

In advance of the Lantern Festival Mountshannon Arts in association with Mountshannon Community Council will launch of The Mountshannon Illustrated Map 6pm in Anita’s when Melanie White, chairperson of Mountshannon Arts committee will unveil this brand new digital map which features Mountshannon’s many artistic and architectural landmarks.

Brought to you by Clare Arts Office with the support of the Arts Council.

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